
“There’s always a richer, more immersive medium to experience the world,” Mark Zuckerberg said way back in 2014. “And after video, the next logical step is fully immersive virtual reality.”
Virtual Reality (VR) is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment. Unlike traditional user interfaces, VR places the user inside an experience. Instead of viewing a screen in front of them, users are immersed and able to interact with 3D worlds.

Sounds Great !!! but wait what we need to create a VR environment.

A-Frame is a web framework for building virtual reality (VR) experiences. Originally from Mozilla, A-Frame was developed to be an easy but powerful way to develop VR content.A-Frame is based on top of HTML, making it simple to get started.


This project too uses Aframe for creating VR content.Using Javascript and HTML, I created environment consisting of snowfall playing Indian parody song version of Cheap thrills with lyrics floating above head. This poject was later shown at AIT Mozilla meet where it was successful bringing smiles on people’s face.

Written on April 10, 2017